World Liver Day is observed every year on 19th April, to spread awareness about liver related diseases.  The liver is the second largest and the second most complex organ in the body, after the brain. The liver performs many crucial functions related to digestion, immunity, metabolism, and the storage of nutrients within the body. Without it, the tissues of the body would quickly die from lack of energy and nutrients. If good care is not taken of, the liver can easily get damaged. Although the liver has the unique characteristic of self-healing, where it can regrow or regenerate after being damaged up to 60 to 70%, any abnormalities in the liver might lead to serious health complications.

This year, the theme for World Liver Day is “Be Vigilant, Do Regular Liver Check-up, Fatty Liver Can Affect Anyone.”  The theme focuses to emphasise the practise of regular liver check-ups, as fatty liver can affect anyone, irrespective of the risk factors such as obesity (overweight), insulin resistance (diabetes), and excess consumption of alcohol. Recent studies in India have shown 75% of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD; liver disease caused in patients with little or no alcohol intake) is observed in patients with low body mass index (BMI <25 kg/m2).


Globally about 20 lakh people die yearly due to liver diseases, of which cirrhosis-related causes account for merely half, and the rest are caused by viral hepatitis and hepatocellular (liver) cancer. Together, cirrhosis and liver cancer account for 3.5% of all fatalities (death) worldwide, where cirrhosis is currently the 11th largest cause and liver cancer is the 16th major (globally) and 10th (In India) cause of death.    

The global alcoholic consumer population is approximately 200 crores, of which 7.5 to 10 crores are at risk of alcoholic-related liver disease. In addition to this, 200 crore adults are obese/overweight, and 40 crores are diabetic, considered to be the risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and hepatocellular carcinoma. While, the global prevalence of viral hepatitis continues to be high, drug-induced liver injury is becoming the leading cause of acute hepatitis. In comparison to 2005, there will be an increase of 35% in new cases annually by 2030.


1. Hepatitis: “Hepato” means liver and “itis” means inflammation. Hepatitis hence means the inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis are of 5 types depending on the virus that infects it. Hepatitis A and E are a result of contaminated food/water ingestion; while Hepatitis B, C, and D are caused by transmission/exposure to infective body fluids, blood, and semen.

2. Alcoholic Liver Disease: The commonest cause of liver disease is a result of the over-consumption of alcohol. If you overload your liver by drinking too much alcohol, the excess alcohol would end up circulating in your blood. This, in turn, this affects our organs like brain and heart leading to increased intoxication. This constant alcohol abuse results in the following:

  • Destruction of liver cells
  • Fatty liver
  • Liver inflammation
  • Irreversible liver cirrhosis
  • Liver cancer

3. Liver Cirrhosis: Almost 1/3rd of the patients of liver cirrhosis remain asymptomatic. Deaths from liver cirrhosis have been estimated to increase alarmingly making it the 12th leading cause of death by 2020.Liver cirrhosis is the commonest chronic liver disease which develops when the damaged tissue replaces the healthy liver tissue following a process of extensive damage to liver over a prolonged time.

4. Liver Cancer: This is the 6th most common cancer and 2nd most fatal cancer. Cancer that originates from the liver is called liver cancer, while the other cancer that originates in other organs but spreads to the liver is called metastatic liver cancer. This metastatic liver cancer is more fatal.


A few common symptoms related to liver disease are:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Jaundice


Management and prevention of liver diseases involves a few lifestyle adjustments, medicines, and regular check-up visits. In some cases, a surgical treatment is also required to deal with the complications of liver cirrhosis. Some ways of liver disease prevention are:

  • Quit Alcohol: Limit or quit alcohol for controlling/preventing the liver damage.
  • Avoid the Risk Factors: Say no to drugs and smoking, practice safe sex, use condoms. If you want to get inked by some fancy tattoos or do body piercings, be sure that it is done with complete hygiene and safety.
  • Avoid Over the Counter Medicines: Only take medication that is prescribed by a physician. There could be a possibility that the over the counter medicines or an inappropriate dose can harm the liver. Only a physician can prescribe appropriate medication and its dosage.
  • Avoid Contact with the Infected Blood or any Other Body Fluid: As this can result in spreading the hepatitis virus. Avoid sharing razors, razor blades, toothbrushes, etc.
  • Maintain Your Weight Appropriately: Being overweight or obese can lead to some serious liver conditions like fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, and hepatitis.
  • Vaccination: You should talk to your family physician about getting vaccinated for hepatitis A and B as their vaccines are readily available in the market.
  • Regular Health Check-up: “Prevention is better than cure” Hence, a regular health check-up hence is the easiest and apparently best way to eliminate any disease.